Comfort Zone...

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone...

“But without faith it is impossible to please Him..."
Hebrews 11:6a

Anna Finfrock, a young American friend of mine, whom I met in Taiwan, posted this on Instagram today. She and her husband, Ben, are now serving the Lord in South Africa’s true...

Faith in rubber meets the road time when it comes to bringing Him great pleasure. Because faith involves trust, and trust is just about the highest form of adoration (can you think of anything more so?). And faith ALWAYS requires risk.

This is not risk...or leaving our comfort zone for the sake of being stupid or trying prove something. But when He calls...and His invitation to me invites risk, it is not time to shrink back, hold back...or think of my comfort. I have had plenty of comfort in my life...booooring. But His thrill ride these past twelve years has been...amazing, exciting, miraculous, and wonder-filled. Could Jesus do anything less?

Nope. I’m never going back when He calls. Will you join me?

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photo: Ben Frinfrock w.permission