A Story of Grace...

The story of Jesus feeding the multitudes is a picture of grace...

"There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish,
But what are they among so many?"
John 6:9

First, Jesus takes the little to nothing of our lives that we bring to Him and He multiplies it exponentially because of His thanks to the Father that we have come. Really. That seems like it should be the other way around. We need to be the ones who continually give thanksgiving.

Next, He increases our lives beyond the scope of our imagination. Yes, we can miss this part by trying to take back control of our own destiny. I sidelined myself for years. My advice: don’t take back control. Total surrender is the way to go.

Finally, Jesus even uses the waste of our lives to bring Himself glory. So don’t discount anything as disqualifying you from His purposes. You know what I think happened to those leftovers on that miraculous feast day? I think people took them home to feed their friends and families the miracle they had experienced.

Yes. this is a story of God’s amazing grace.

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