Last week I had a conversation with the Lord after a friend and I discussed why God allows troublesome things to keep happening.
God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM’ has sent me to you.” Exodus 3:14 NIV
A memory surfaced of something another friend said to me back before I knew what I was seeking was God. I kept dealing with fear in my riding – and she told me she thought maybe things kept happening because we hadn’t yet taken the life lesson from the event.
I told this to the friend I was with now, then said, “Perhaps the better question to ask is what God wants for us in the lesson – what is He delivering us from?”
I was sitting out in my pasture later that evening as the horses grazed, thinking on that – thinking about my fear.
I asked: Lord, when will you strike this fear from me?
Him: I won’t. But I will walk with you through it. And you will be stronger for it.
Me: OK. (frown, sigh) But when will I get through the fear?
Him: When you have learned to trust.
Me: Oh! (tears) I want to trust, Lord. I want to learn to trust. Will you teach me?
Him: I am.
Tears flowed as Truth poured over me. I inhaled it deep in my heart. Everything is in that statement, isn’t it? I AM. And He is.
by: Yvonne Quirk