I have so much to be thankful for...
"Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!"
Psalm 150:6
This week of Thanksgiving, let’s praise Him ‘til the cows come home. Let’s wake up thankful. Let’s go through the day blessing Jesus with our love and gratitude. Let’s get on our knees before bed tonight and have a praise fest.
I had a trying day. You too? Not horrible, just stuff. But you know what? God is worthy to be praised. And when I get my thankfulness on...the doors of heaven open wide and the Holy Spirit causes me to soar.
The enemy loves nothing more than for us to get our eyes on ourselves and our circumstances and off the One and Only. So join me these next few days, months, and years. Let’s look up and lift up our hands because there is overflowing joy and power in an actively grateful heart.
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