No Matter What Happens...

If the Christian’s strength is the joy of the Lord…it is not rocket science to realize…that our adversary will attack our joy. 

“You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”
Psalm 16:11

I have been a Christian a long time. I for sure don’t know it all or have it all together…however…I have found Holy Spirit overflowing, buckets-full, drenching to and through the skin JOY…takes place when I make room for time in God’s presence. Often.

So…any time…any amount of time…whether short or lengthy…set aside to bask in the Lord’s presence and feasting on His Word will always be opposed. If the enemy of your soul can separate you…from time spent…with the Almighty…the battle for other areas of your life is almost surely going to fall in the devil’s direction.

No…this isn’t a time to guilt is a call to keep your joy in Him brimming. Your strength…in Him. Because joy cultivated in His presence alone can never be matter what happens.

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