What is one thing that is poison to our souls? Comparison.
“Jesus said to him, "If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me."
John 21:22
Yes, of course...one could add the poison of jealousy, bitterness, envy, hatred...but comparison is oh, so seductive. No matter your age, ethnicity, or gender...when we begin the slippery slope of comparing any aspect of our lives with others, our joy is diminished, our insecurities reign, and jealousy, bitterness, envy, etc... will take ground in our hearts.
Peter was taking his gaze off the Savior...onto someone else. We can’t do that either. When we look to the right or the left of us, we will always come up short, but that will never happen if we set the gaze of our hearts on the One and Only who alone can satisfy, bring significance to a life, and meet every longing of a hungry heart. So...listen to His words...
“You follow me.” And, don’t follow or compare yourself...with anyone else.
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