The Letter

(from my daughter...)

The Letter...

Here I am. I hear your cries. I collect all your tears. Not to hold them against you. Not to make fun of you. But because I actually care about each one that falls. Not one slips by without My knowledge. Not one. Even when you cry for the smallest, stupidest things. Even when you cry for things you shouldn’t. Even when you cry in anger. Even when you cry in pain: physical, self-inflicted, or brought on by others. Even when you cry simply because that is all you want to do. I care. I do.

Not one tear goes unnoticed or unaccounted for. I feel each one and what it represents. I collect it not to shame you. Not to hold it over you. Not to shove it in your face later. I collect it so I will feel all that you do. When your heat breaks I know every crack, every fine line, every deep crevice and I take it in My healing hands. When your life seems to fall apart, I am there to help find all the pieces and help put the puzzle back better than ever.

Your Father

“You’ve kept track of my every toss and turn through the sleepless nights, each tear entered into Your ledger, each ache written in Your book.” Psalm 56:8 msg
Dayspring Boldt Broxton