Jury Duty...

The weight of the cross hit me today...while serving on jury duty...

“But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, 
sat down at the right hand of God, - Hebrews 10:12”

Being in this situation, at a courthouse, soon to be sitting in the front of the judge’s desk brings home the reality of Jesus’ horrific and unimaginable sacrifice...for me. I was found guilty. I stood before the righteous Judge of the Universe...and I was found wanting. Treason against the Holy One. My crime? Rebellion. The sentence was pronounced: Death.

Yet, on Good Friday so long ago, the Judge Who had every right to pass sentence on me, took off His robes, stepped down from His raised and most high and holy platform, stood in front of me, then took the death penalty...for me.

So I could go free. Pardoned completely. Forgiven absolutely.

This is the story of the cross. I will never earn this freedom and pardon, nor is there anything in me which could have brought it about. It was...and is...God’s love alone.

I never want to forget this.