Calm the Storms...(in your life!)

(From my will be encouraged!)

I love Bible stories! They are so big, in your face and full of miracles! Like the one where the disciples on the boat are freaking out in the storm and Jesus is sleeping. And they wake Him up all panicked and…

“He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.” Luke 8:24

That’s awesome! Can you even imagine?!?

So why is it that when stuff happens in my life I forget that He is the same God of yesterday? Why do I put Him in a box of cool Bible stories and give Him no power in my present?

Just a few weeks ago I was facing something I was so scared of. My heart was racing, I was sick with stress, and I just wanted it to be over with. Then I heard these words:

“The waves and wind STILL know His name.”

Read that again. Out loud.

Those same nasty waves and that same stinkin’ wind that Jesus rebuked back then are the same kind of waves and wind we face today in our lives. And He STILL has power over them. He hasn’t changed from the God of cool Bible stories and miracles so let’s stop acting like He has!

You know what I did that day I was so afraid? I wrote those words I heard on the sides of two of my fingers and I looked at them all day through my situation. I had a peace and a calm that was unbelievable and amazing.

Why? It’s simple.

“He calms the storm.” Psalm 107:29

Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.


by: Dayspring Boldt Broxton