Oh my...(sigh)...

A client was telling the sad story of what had been going on in her life. One tragedy after another.  Then she concluded with the sentence that makes me cringe every time I hear it, “But, God doesn’t give us more than we can handle so…(sigh).”

Probably one of the most misquoted verses ever! (1 Cor. 10:13)

 How can the loss of a child, spouse, or best friend be bearable? How can watching loved ones slowly suffer and die of cancer be bearable? How can losing your job, your house, and your family be bearable? How can the heartbreak of infidelity be bearable?

 It’s not. We weren’t meant to bear it. We weren’t meant to handle it. We weren’t meant to wear our sad stories like badges of honor that God has bestowed upon us because we are strong enough to handle it. Because we aren’t strong enough to handle it. Is it any wonder so many choose to numb it with drugs and alcohol?

So how is one able to stand up under all the weight of the hurts of life?

Through God alone.

Exodus 16:16-18 tells the story of the manna given to the Israelites every morning by God. Each person was given the exact amount of their need. Some people gathered less, some gathered more.

That is such a parallel for our lives.

When life gets tough keep this in mind: God provides the right amount of “manna” to fit our current situation. Sometimes we need more and sometimes we need less but as long as we turn to Him we can know He will provide.

It’s okay to be weak and find life unbearable; don’t be hard on yourself if you aren’t strong enough. You aren’t meant to be. Only God is.

Ask for your daily manna!