Stolen Moments...

Stolen moments...

“And when He had sent the multitudes away,

He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray.

Now when evening came, He was alone there.”
Matthew 14:23

Jesus knew the unrelenting press of thousands day after day, yet He found time to steal a few minutes alone in the Father’s presence. He, being fully God, yet laying aside His godly prerogatives to walk earth as a man, knew the joy of stolen moments to be refreshed in the Holy Spirit.

One time, Randy and I were waiting in a restaurant to be seated. A young man walked in with a single, red rose. He waited silently next to me until a cute, young waitress momentarily left her duties to greet him with a quick kiss. The red rose was for her. It brought light to her face, sparkle to her eyes, and I’m sure made the rest of her long evening special.

We need those red rose, stolen kiss moments with the Lord, too. Next time you are impatient, frustrated, or weary, find a minute...somewhere. Call out to the Lord, crack open the Word, pray in the Spirit. Be revived in His presence. Stolen moments with the Lord can be just the ticket we need.