I don’t like to take the Lord’s name in vain, but… “OH MY GOD! I am so mad at You!” seems totally appropriate when I direct it to Him. Because I do.
I yell at God a lot.
I’m not the best Christian by the world’s standards. I have my own quirks, rebellions and sins, but here is the one thing I know I do right: I get mad at God. Often. Well…that’s not really the thing I do right. It’s more about what I do with my anger.
See, we can do like so many others and get mad at God and turn a cold bitter heart away from Him. We stop talking to Him, we stop listening for Him, and we get so locked up in our anger about our situations that we go through the “Christian” motions but push Him aside. Usually without even knowing it or admitting it. Because it can’t be “good” to get mad at God. Right?
I’ve learned to take it to Him because I’ve seen those in the Bible do it before me.
God has seen and heard me at my worst. I’ve cussed Him out. I’ve told Him off. I’ve laid on my face and screamed at Him. I have blamed Him and we’ve wrestled until I’m emotionally limping (Genesis 32). But here’s the thing: HE IS BIG ENOUGH.
And you know what happens every time I bring my anger to Him? He lets me throw my fit, and then He lovingly restores me. EVERY SINGLE TIME. I will be on my red, puffy, tear stained, scowled face before Him and when I’m spent I reach for His Word and it washes over me. Even if we do that thirty times a day. He never fails to listen and restore.
So take it to Him because He can take it.
Even His own Son knew this: “Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?’ that is, ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’” Matthew 27:46