He is Speaking to Us...

You know? It really is important to do what the Lord is saying...

“...Then they began to cleanse the Temple of the LORD, just as the king had commanded. They were careful to follow all the LORD's instructions in their work.”
2 Chronicles 29:15 NLT

Duh. We all know we need to listen to the Lord’s voice. But honestly, so often I get a directive or a sense of what the He is leading me to, then I try to come up with the best way to get there – without following His instructions. You too?

When King Hezekiah was restoring the temple from all the abuse his father had done to it, the Scriptures tell us here that King H was careful to follow all the Lord’s instructions. How often I try to take matters into my own hands, when a huge part of our Journey in Jesus is drawing close to Him daily, for His daily instructions to us.

Trying to clean up your life, just like that old Temple we read about? Don’t even attempt it on your own. Follow Jesus. Hear His daily heart for you. Not what you are thinking; not what the world is saying. Follow carefully HIS instructions. Walk in His abundance.