At the start of this week...
Should your country seems overwhelmed, in turmoil, full of restlessness and unrest, look to the King of Kings. He is still on His throne and He is not overwhelmed, in turmoil, or unrest. In Him is no shadow of turning and His love is unabated by world events. He knows the beginning to the end and He is at work drawing many to Himself and giving healing and comfort to those who invite Him to come into their lives.
Should YOU be overwhelmed, in turmoil, full of restlessness and unrest, look to the Prince of Peace. If you have received Him, He is Your Rock, Your Shelter, Your Tower of Refuge. Find genuine comfort, direction, healing, deliverance, and strength in the power of the Holy Spirit. What are you waiting for? Run to Him and don't get up until you sense His presence and receive a fresh word from His Word.
This is a week of new beginnings, hopes to be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because He Who is in you is greater than anything!
1 John 4:4
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