Umbrellas...thoughts from Dayspring...

Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does that person who doesn’t even believe in God seem to flourish and succeed while nothing in my life seems to go right? And how come when it rains it pours?

Age old questions answered by the Only One who can.

“He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Matthew 5:45

So what’s the difference between me, as the righteous in Christ, than the unrighteous if we all get rained on anyway? Well, it’s all about what kind of umbrella you use. With God as our umbrella we are covered. Literally. It rains, it gets ugly, things fall apart, nothing goes as it should, and we sometimes reach our breaking point, but we don’t. We can cry out to God at any time, as many times as we need to, and find shelter from our storm. Even when it’s chaos around us, under His protection, we just don’t get as wet.

I’ve seen those who don’t know Him scramble for safety under all sorts of false coverings when the first raindrops fall. Then I’ve watched them crumble into bitterness, anger, defeat, and depression as they drown under the weight of their broken coverings.

I’ve also seen those who, under His protective umbrella, go through the hardest things and still have joy and peace. Getting wet but not drowning. That’s the difference!

Maybe you’ve never thought about God as an Umbrella? It’s time to start!

Try Him…He’s so capable.

“The LORD is your shade at your right hand.” Psalm 121:5


by: Dayspring Boldt Broxton