An Uneven Exchange...

An uneven exchange…

“When He had called the people to Himself…He said to them, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”  Mark 8:34

We are often mistaken about what Jesus is communicating about picking up our cross. It is NOT pain, disease, suffering, torment, or loss of relationships. The cross is NOT about the hardships of living in a broken, sick, evil, and weary world. Jesus came on a rescue mission. If we fully trust Him – that is the caveat here – He has made every believer more than a conqueror. His love, joy, healing, restoration, and deliverance are ours, no matter what our circumstances may be.

No, the cross is explained in the following verse. When we lay down our plans, dreams, and hopes for His plans, dreams, and hopes. Our lives for His cause alone. His will be done, not ours; just as Jesus spoke to the Father as He was about to pick up His cross – for us.

When we take up His cross, however, it is an uneven exchange. Our rags for His riches. Our nothingness for His extraordinary. Our lack for His abundance. Our sin for His grace. Think about it. Yes, it is an even exchange indeed. What are we waiting for?

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