Do you ever feel less than, not enough, or lacking talent, brains, brawn, or beauty?
“...and you are complete in Him,” Colossians 1:10
Take a look at the definition of the original Greek New Testament word (Pleroo) used for “complete” here: to make full, to fill up, to cram, to cause to abound, furnish, supply liberally, to fill to the top so that nothing is lacking and nothing more can be added. Full measure, to accomplish...and so much more!
Honestly. Sit in Colossians, Chapters 1-3, and have your world rocked. Genuinely ask for the Holy Spirit’s revelation of what is being said here. It will take a lifetime’s learning and a complete paradigm shift in our way of thinking about – everything. Yet, it will be oh-so worth it. Even at our final breath, we will only have scratched the surface of all Who Jesus is, and Who He is IN us.
But know this truth, you are complete in Him! And in Him alone!