But I’m a Martha! Thoughts from Dayspring...

You know that story in the Bible about Jesus, and Mary and Martha?

It goes like this: these two sisters have Jesus over and the one sister, Mary, is just sitting at His feet listening to Him while the other, Martha, is running around like her head is cut off, doing everything to prepare for Him. I imagine that she’s cleaning, cooking, and in general just freaking out that the Son of God is in her home and she hasn’t put the laundry away yet!

Do you know what Jesus says? “Mary! Mary! Why are you so lazy? Can’t you see your good sister is working so hard to prepare for My stay here, yet you just sit here at My feet. Get up and get busy!” (real story found at Luke 10:38-42)

Nah. That’s not how it goes. However, sometimes I wish it did! When I read that story I want to yell, “But I’m a Martha!!” And I am.
I’m always busy, always running around, never sitting. And yes, often I’m too busy for God.

Don’t get me wrong, I want to be this great Mary who “has chosen what is better” and just sits at His feet, even if it’s only for a few minutes. I really do. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t. I don’t always get it right and make God my priority. But guess what? Even in my busyness, even in my lack of remembering to just be still with Him, He doesn’t forget me. He balances an unlimited amount of things and yet counts every tear that falls from my wandering eyes and numbers the hair on my bleach, dried-out hair.

So I write today not to talk about how being a Mary would add amazing benefits to your life (as it would), but rather to leave you with one little treasure of a verse that I love.

“ Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister…” Luke 11:5

I can’t help but feel sweet victory that Mary is only called “sister” here. I know, I know…I’m slightly vindictive.

But here’s what I want you to do if you are a Martha too: write next to this verse in your Bible, “Even when she was too busy.”

Because He still loves Martha and He still loves me and He still loves you. Even if.

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