His Present Presence...

His presence is always present.

"God our refuge and strength.
A very present help in trouble.
Therefore we shall not fear…"
Psalm 46:1-2a

Some years ago I decided I wouldn’t live another day without His presence. Come hell or high water, I was choosing to nurture, not only a devotional time with Jesus – praying requests, reading the Word, journaling – but a frequent waiting and basking in the Holy Spirit who reveals the Savior within us and to us John 16.

Believe me, my family and the church we pastor have experienced some crazy stuff during these years, yet His presence has always been present. I can tell you story after ridiculously loving story of Jesus in our midst.

Now, what used to be mere theory has become reality. He is the real deal and He wants you to draw close and really know Him not just know about Him. His present presence is all you need.

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