The world is certainly not a safe place anymore...
"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
John 16:33
Has this planet ever been safe? No, not really.
Ever since Adam and Eve handed over their God-given dominion of earth to the slithering serpent of evil, this planet has never been safe. The things that we often attribute to God are not His doing and were never part of His original plan. The Lord of Love Beyond Reason has been telling us this in His Word for multitude millennia, but I am not sure we have always clearly listened.
Jesus tells us plainly that the adversary of our souls rules this planet, but those who believe – those who stake their lives on the Savior’s shed bled, immediately become residents of His Kingdom of Love (Col 1:13). Does this mean we escape earth’s suffering? Hardly. However, it does mean we can live in, live through, and live over and above life’s hardships because we have the same Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead living inside of us. His miracles take place daily.
All this to say, it is not a time to run for cover in fear, instead, let’s fearlessly love everyone, even our enemies, share our faith like lives depend upon it, and no longer live for our own comfort. Because you know what? Jesus has already won the war and we will always be safe in Him.