Be Still...

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Right now, I am taking a dose of my own medicine! Rather, I am taking a dose of the powerful word of God. Really...

"Be still and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10

It is going to be a crazy day and my minutes to Christmas are nearly all spoken for. By my count, I am already a million minutes over my time budget and I still have a million or more things to do. Can you relate?

But Iā€™m going to go and be still for a bit and know that He is God!

I have already spent quiet time with Him this morning, but this season calls for an extra portion of His presence and His purpose in my life. It is late in the evening, other activities beckon, but they can wait because I need to wait ā€“ on Him.

Do you want to join me and savor His presence?? I know He will take care of everything else.

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