From the Inside-Out...

From the inside-out...

"My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you."  Galatians 4:19

Yes, I want to be transformed into the image of Jesus from the inside-out. Apparently, our Lord Jesus desires this for us as well. Yes, indeed.

These are Paul’s words in his letter to the church in Galatia. However, Jesus also had some pretty harsh exchanges with those who would be satisfied and seemingly justified, as if appearances were all that needed a transformation in a person’s life. Yes, He called these smug folks white-washed tombs. Pretty on the outside, but full of death on the inside.

I am wanting more too. More of a complete overhaul into the image of the Savior. No more, Sue stuff to get in the way. I want to be made new, as in a complete metamorphosis – a word which contains the root word – meta – found in the original Greek word for formed in this verse.

Yes. Changed from the inside-out and nothing less.

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