Smoke Screen...

What’s that old saying? There is nothing to fear, but fear itself?

“Hear my voice, O God, in my meditation; Preserve my life from fear of the enemy.”  Psalm 64:1

Here, David prays, not to be safeguarded from the enemy himself, but the fear – you know – the dust the devil kicks up, this is what David wants preservation from.

Honestly. It is not that the adversary of our souls – the devil – that is to be feared, to cause anxiety, or be troubled about.  Because if we walk in the truth of who we are in Christ: His beloved children that have been given His authority here on earth, honestly, we have nothing to tremble about. Nope, the enemy is not to be feared, but it is our fear about him that can cause us angst.

Yes, David knows. Fear comes sneaking in when our resistance is down, we are tired, our way looks dark, and when we are discouraged. These things can keep us from communing with God Almighty daily; the source of fearless living. We don’t have to walk in fear of the enemy OR anything that he might try to throw at us. It is time to stop living this way. I mean, really.

So, when fear comes calling, this smoke screen that would keep you from all of God’s bounty, health, and joy in your life, send this bad boy packing in Jesus’ Name in in the power of His Word. Fear is not your portion…so don’t own it anymore.

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