For all the Moms on this Mother’s Day...
Should your strength be waning, your pocketbook near empty, and you are just a little bit discouraged about this whole parenting thing, look to the One who holds you tenderly in His Hand. Jesus sees your every moment. Each laundry room visit, each dish you rinse off, and the multitudes of demands upon your mommy’s heart. Yes, He sees and stands with you at every moment. Run to Him now and be refreshed in His Holy Spirit.
Should your joy be full, but the hours be few, God knows how lavishly wonder-filled it is to raise children, yet how taxing raising children can be. Find a quiet place: your closet, your garage, your bathroom even (!) and say a quick prayer of thanks to Your Father who loves you beyond reason. He will meet you there in the quiet...okay...semi-quiet!
Should you be parenting alone, parenting while maintaining two or three jobs to help make ends meet, or parenting in the pain of heartache, find strength in Christ who holds Your breath in His hands. He wants to restore your hope, heal your weary body, and remind you of this greatest wonder that you get to be a part of: being a mom.
Enjoy the day, rest in hope, and find renewed and fresh purpose in Him. You are celebrated and loved.