These words recently made a giant leap off the pages of my Bible and landed directly into my heart...
"Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love." 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
The Holy Spirit is whispering for me to watch and guard my heart from the world’s ensnarement. I am also to watch for what He is doing and partner with Him to bring Jesus to those in need of Him.
He is calling me to ruthlessly believe His Word. To believe Him with no more Plan B’s. And because I want the Holy Spirit to super-naturally enable me for what He has put before me, I need His bravery and His strength, not mine. Lastly, I yearn for everything I do to be done in His agape love. This is a tall order that only He can fulfill. I believe He will.
Do you need some verses to be your personal mission statement for the next few days, few months, or maybe the rest of your life? These words would be a great place to start.