What Level of Crazy?

“I just want to know, what level of crazy are we talking about here?”

"And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen."
Mark 16:20

My daughter in the faith, Jaime, and I had a good laugh today as she related a close friend’s somewhat skeptical reaction to the miraculous works of Jesus that Jaime was sharing with her.

The not-quite-yet-believer queried her, Do you believe this? Yes, Jaime does. And yes, we laughed. Because we ARE just a little crazy. A little crazy about seeing the Lord transform lives, heal marriages, mend broken bodies, and set emotional captives free, just to name a few of His specialties.

So, call me crazy. But after having Stage 4 incurable cancer return for the third time three years ago, I was told I was at the end of my life. I then underwent major surgery and the cancer that had been on the PET and CScans was nowhere to be found – all because of Jesus. Well, I call that crazy-wonderful and I want to be used by Him to see more.

I love being a little bit crazy about King Jesus.