Ducks in a Row...


Are you a ducks-in-a-row kind of person?

"And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, "Come over to Macedonia and help us." Acts 16:9

I kind of think Paul was that type of person. You know, someone who likes to know what the next step in their life is. The kind of person who likes almost every detail in place before moving forward. Someone who wants to know an outcome before making a decision. Is that you?

In the context of this verse, Paul and his crew were trying to move forward in their missionary venture. Yet, the doors kept closing. Their plans were coming undone. Their "ducks" were going every which way instead of lining up nicely. The Holy Spirit had other ducks for them.

I believe God is a God of order. However, HIS order isn't necessarily our order. HIS ducks are not our ducks. Get my point? It will always, always, always be about faith in Jesus' leading and our not trying to figure things out. His ways, His thoughts, and His adventures are not ours.

Someone needs to hear this: Wait on Him. Let Him position your ducks. And trust Him fully. You won't be disappointed.