You know, Jesus started something...big...
"The former account I made, O Theophilus,
of all that Jesus began both to do and teach,"
Acts 1:1
I am feeling led to binge read the Book of Acts. By that I mean, in my morning time with Jesus, I have been impressed by the Holy Spirit to read this amazing portion of God’s Word, over and over, and over again.
I am using different Bible versions. I am reading every note of my Spirit Filled Life Bible. I am reading commentaries. But mostly, I am simply soaking in these amazing passages about this rag-tag group of misfits and average type folks – just like me, I might add – who turned the world upside down in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus began His kingdom work of saving, healing, and delivering His wayward children, but He didn’t finish there. After the resurrection, He empowered His kids, and sent them to the ends of the earth. It was just the beginning. And He calls me to continue in the miraculous, too. To believe big, battle hard in prayer, lay hands on the sick, cast out demons, and bring many to salvation. Yep. Just the beginning.
Sign me up, Lord. Here I am.