Feast for My Soul...


I be needing me some of His manna today...

"Then Moses told them, “Do not keep any of it until morning.”"
Exodus 16:19

We are creatures of habit, comfort, and fear. Really and truly. When you think about it, mankind as a whole is a hot mess, as in today’s vernacular! God had brought Israel out of slavery and bondage and, in Exodus 16, we find them wanting to go back. Really? Yet we enact the same type of nonsense. At least I do.

Let’s apply this passage to ourselves: everything in Jesus is fresh and new as each day dawns upon our lives. He has a fresh word for us personally. He has a fresh experience in His love for each of us daily. And He has a fresh anointing upon our individual lives to minister to others each time the sun comes up. Yet, we tend to rest in what He did for us in the past – to remember the glory days and not have faith for our lives now. Like the manna of old, our lives become stale, moldy, and literally unusable. Yikes!

Instead, let’s seek God’s new manna every time our alarm clocks noisily roust us out of slumber. Let’s contend for His thrilling freshness. Let’s expect, receive, and experience His miracle manna for our lives – today.