Come Aside...


I am not sure there are any sweeter words...

"And He said to them, "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat."  Mark 6:31

Jesus and His crew were on a 24/7/365 schedule. Every minute was pursued on assignment from the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit. And Jesus. Well Jesus always knows what is best.

“Come aside, my beloved.”

He calls us to His side to find refreshment, rest, restoration, and redemption. And the call to His early disciples is extended to us today. There is nothing that can replace time with Him alone. Why waste time, worry, sleeplessness, ill-health when we have the opportunity to find all we need for spirit, soul, and body in the quiet of His presence?

Yes, I understand life can be hectic. I am only home two days this month and six days the next, and my calendar is filled. I understand quiet can be more of a pipe dream – I am currently helping our kids with their newborn twins and toddler. I realize there are so many other distractions: Netflix, sports, work, finances, stuff...

But He extends the invitation to come aside and His call is irresistible.