Just Like Mary and Joseph...

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Just wondering. During this crazy year, did anyone experience some closed doors in their life this past year? You know – something you really wanted to have happen – that didn’t?

And she brought forth her firstborn Son,
and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger,
because there was no room for them in the inn.

Luke 2

Well, Mary and Joseph knew all about closed doors. However, they also knew God had a bigger plan – an eternal plan. An amazing story would be told because they trusted Him, even when they were out of their comfort zone, literally.

How about your closed doors this past year? Just know that God is doing something greater. My husband and I know all about these impenetrable doors. Nevertheless, Jesus’ ideas for our lives have exceeded our own wildest dreams. By His closing doors that we so desperately desired, we dodged bullets and, in return, the stories He wrote for us have been incredible. Get my drift?

Someone needs to hear this. Someone needs to trust – Him.