At the Start of This Week...

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At the start of this week...

If the world has gone cray-cray and it seems each day opens a new page of the Book of Revelation, don't lose heart. This could be His church's greatest hour if we don't give into selfishness, anger, or frustration. It is time to get serious about fasting and praying. It's time to get filled with His Spirit, operating in His gifts, and cultivating His fruit. The world needs us--needs HIM more than ever.
Acts 2

Should the car not start, the kids or your spouse won’t stop whining, the wallet seems empty, and the to-do list is overwhelming, look up! Remember, the Holy Spirit is with you in everything from the mundane to the life-altering. Hand everything over to His care for He can handle everything.
Ephesians 1:19-20

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes to be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because He Who is in you is greater than anything!
1 John 4:4