Oh, the power of God’s Word…
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Luke 10:19
As we pray, battle in the Spirit, and fast this summer for our loved ones, our neighborhoods, our nations, and yes, even for ourselves to experience His freedom more completely, let’s remember we have Jesus’ authority. Yes, really, we do. Let’s pray, declare, and speak God’s truth and healing over
every situation as His Spirit leads, in the Name above All Names: King Jesus.
Yet, let’s also be reminded that to have authority, we must be submitted to authority. Are there areas in my life where I still do what I want to do without consulting my Abba-Father? Are there areas of daily life, such as work, home, or school where I complain and backbite instead of being part of the solution? Even if it means that someone is over me that I don’t really care for? How many churches have I left because I could find something that didn’t suit my fancy, or I would rather be a lone ranger than submit to healthy pastoral authority? Just some food for thought as I examine my own often wayward heart.
I want to walk in all Jesus has provided for me as Paul lists in Ephesians 1. I am praying for loved ones who are hurting, friends with illness, and for revival in my county and country. Praying that God alone, not a political party, a point of view, or anyone or anything other than Him will be glorified. This is a summer to keep His armor on and our knees and hearts bowed.
Yes, let’s bravely pray boldly with the authority He purchased for us at the highest cost. Because He has asked us to do this.