God's Engagement Ring... One-Minute Bible Study from Eph. 1


He has given us so very much…

And He put all things under His feet,
and gave Him to be head over all things to the church,
which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

Ephesians 1:22-23

From an early encounter with the Holy Spirit in my teens, I knew that the Book of Acts was real and that His power and His power gifts were available to believers today. Yet, raising kids, co-pastoring a church with my husband, raising kids, buying a home, raising kids (do you see a theme here?) and the everyday busyness of life, plus my stuff (anybody have stuff???), caused me to drift from my passionate pursuit of Jesus revealed in – me.

It wasn’t until fifteen years ago, when I seriously studied Ephesians, that all the lights, bells, and whistles of the Holy Spirit came alive in my life. These very words that we have been reading all week in Chapter 1 were God’s Words of revival to my soul. It seemed like all the confusing dots of my life finally came together.

As we finish out Paul’s prayer in Eph. 1, His emphasis in on the power of the Holy Spirit towards the believer (vs. 19-20), and the omnipotence of King Jesus. We need to remember that the Holy Spirit is our seal and our engagement ring that WE ARE HIS (Greek: Arrabon). And in the power of the Spirit in Christ, we can find felt completeness, wholeness, and fullness (v. 23).

One thing more, because Jesus is seated in heavenly places (v. 20) and He is above everything that can be named (v. 21), we, as His church, have access to the power of His name to bring heaven down into the hellish situations in our lives.

Who doesn't need more of His Kingdom in their life!