Our New Title... One-Minute Devotional

For you were once darkness,
but now you are light in the Lord.
Walk as children of light

Ephesians 5:8

We have been given a new title in Christ – Children of Light.

God’s Word declares that as Jesus is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17)! With the Holy Spirit’s effective working in us, we can rise to our new name (Eph. 5:8). The Lord is calling us to walk as Children of Light by being imitators of God, piercing the darkness in the power of Jesus’ name, walking in His love toward all, and as a fragrant sacrifice for Him.

As His light-bearers, we will live differently. We will learn to walk a little more wisely with eyes wide open, knowing that although we are still in the world, we are not of the world (John 15:19). We will learn that what we do matters, and what we allow to influence our lives has significant ramifications for our either living in the Holy Spirit’s power or giving way to distractions. And we will discover that submitting to one another – coming underneath someone to lift them up – will be a hallmark in every one of our relationships.

Walking as Children of Light means submitting entirely to God first, then letting Him lead us in submission to others in our homes, marketplaces, workplaces, schools, and churches. Ouch! That may be a difficult pill for us to swallow who insist on being right, first, best, or for those attempting to fluff their own pillow, build their own nest, or trying to make a name for themselves. And yet, the longer we walk in God’s heartbeat, experiencing His lavish fullness in our lives, we never have to fear that there won’t be enough for us.

To walk as Children of Light in submission is living as one who makes it a race to the bottom to lift up those in our lives. This doesn’t mean we don’t have healthy boundaries or suffer under abuse. As Jesus teaches, healthy submission brings the reward of genuine spiritual authority and the enemy’s vanquishment (Mt. 8:8-10, 20:25-27).

We have a powerful title, and submission and consequent spiritual authority are vital characteristics of God’s Children of Light, as we will see next week.

This weekly study is from the 14-Day YouVersion Plan: Accepted: Who We Really Are and What He Has Done For Us by Sue Boldt. Adapted from the book: Refresh. Click Here!