When Jesus is on the Scene... One-Minute Devo

Are you in spiritual battle over a situation in your life at the moment?

But You are holy,
Enthroned in the praises of Israel.
Psalms 22:3

From the heart of this Messianic psalm, we learn one of the most important aspects of worship to defeat our adversary, the devil, in spiritual battle. When we rightfully declare God’s kingdom rule in every area of our lives, His kingdom power and presence are made known, and our enemy runs James 4:7-8. The devil literally cannot remain standing when the Almighty is on the scene!

One of God’s magnificent, beyond-comprehension attributes is His omnipresence: the ability to be everywhere at once. No place of His creation is exempt from His presence, not even hell itself Psalm 139:8

Yet, we find throughout God’s Word where men and women encountered His manifest presence. We know this in our personal experience as well. These are times when we encounter His reality through the presence of the Holy Spirit in our spirit. We sense and feel His presence in our emotions, thoughts, and physical being.

The Lord Jesus wants to reveal Himself to us through the power of the Holy Spirit within us John 16:14. As we declare His Lordship, we create a place—a throne—for His felt and experienced presence and rule in our lives and over those situations requiring battle-prayer Psalm 22:3. Our worship during spiritual warfare and prayer aligns us with His purposes. We get our eyes off of ourselves and our stuff, allowing the Holy Spirit to help us discern what is actually taking place around us in the spiritual realm.

As our praises enthrone Him—literally make a seat for Him—we experience His felt presence far surpassing mere head knowledge. And wherever King Jesus is, just as we read in the Gospels, there is salvation, healing, and deliverance. In other words, turn on His light and the enemy’s darkness is overcome.

Does your home or workplace need to experience heaven’s rule today? Are you praying for someone oppressed by demonic influence? Could your body use His healing touch? Do you need some divine intervention or direction? Begin to praise. Declare Who He is and what He has done. Speak words of worship from God’s Word. Declare His Lordship through worship over these situations and watch what happens when Lord Jesus takes His rightful throne.