This is one of my most favorite accounts from the Bible:

“You will not need to fight in this battle...
stand still and see the salvation of the LORD,
who is with you”...
And Jehoshaphat bowed his head ...worshiping the LORD.
...he appointed those who should sing to the LORD,
and who should praise the beauty of holiness,
as they went out before the army and were saying:
“Praise the LORD, For His mercy endures forever.”
2 Chronicles 20:17-18, 20-21

Israel is about to be creamed by the onslaught of enemy attack. King Jehoshaphat leads the nation to seek the Lord, and God speaks, giving them out-of-the-box instructions. Nevertheless, He promises complete victory. The nation responds and humbles itself, calls the worship team to the front of the line, and heads out to meet the assaulting army.

Pure and simple, the enemy is absolutely defeated. Better than defeated. The enemy turns inward and annihilates itself.

We discussed worship as warfare on Day 3, but we must remind ourselves of this truth. Worship is our battle cry. Worship is the standard we raise to face our adversaries (Isaiah 59:19). When we worship the Name above all names and genuinely let Holy Spirit adoration arise from our being, hell is stopped in its tracks. Really. Truly.

Do you have a burden, concern, question, or heartache? I encourage you to read the whole of 2 Chronicles 20. Seek the Lord (v. 3). Listen for the Lord’s battle directions for your personal situation (v.15). Position yourself (v.17). Humble yourself (v.18). Choose to believe God (v. 20). Lift up verbal praise (v.21).

Repeat until victory is secured.

From Thirty Days of Thanksgiving- A Month of Interactive Devotions for Gratitude, Praise, & Worship