New Wineskins

The Lord recently spoke something to my heart. Okay. It was just a few minutes ago while out for a jog/walk/run/walk/pant/let’s-sit-down kind of event.

"But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”
Luke 5:38

Jesus was speaking to me about becoming a new wineskin. Letting some old patterns of doing and thinking about my life in Him…well…He was whispering that I can’t allow myself to get in a rut in this journey in Him that He has called me to.

I think He wants someone who reads this to hear this as well…

New wine is ALL about the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. For new wine to completely saturate, satiate, and fill us to over-flowing…we just can’t rely on old patterns that have worked in the past. Because…we do just that. We start to “rely” on our efforts...often missing the voice of the Holy Spirit when He is wanting to do something extraordinary. And…I truly want to live…

…an extraordinary…significant life for my Lord…IN my Lord.

So…I am gonna pray on this some and hope that you will, too. I desire to be a continually new wineskin who is continually filled with His presence. Settling for less…well…I just don’t want to do that. How about you?