His Light...


I tell my story wherever He opens the door for me to share...

“God, all at once you turned on a floodlight for me! 
You are the revelation-light in my darkness, 
and in Your brightness, I can see the path ahead.”
Psalm 18:28 TPT

Many years ago, I was one messed-up puppy. I had everything, but I was unhappy with all of it. I tried to leave my wonderful husband, three darling kids, the church we pastored, and our beautiful home, but the trouble was – wherever I would have gone, I would have taken ME along. Only Jesus.

Only Jesus could rescue me from depression, a fifteen-year eating disorder, and uncontrollable thought life. Let alone other areas of enemy oppression and fleshly insecurity and wounding. And He did. He did rescue me fully and completely. Now, I have the honor and privilege to be used a tiny bit by Him to bring rescue to others.

Yes, indeed. Only Lord Jesus could catch me in His life-giving light.

For a free copy of my freedom story in the Lord Jesus, simply click here: http://www.sueboldt.com/giveaway/



I was just looking at Macy’s online.

Yes. I am a big Macy’s fan. Truly. Ask my family.

For a long season – shall we say many, many years – I mean decades, I looked for outside stuff to satisfy my soul. More likely, I was looking for stuff to fill the deep insecurities about myself. We shop to feel good. At least some of us do. You know who you are and if this isn’t your issue, may I ask, where do you look to find fulfillment?

"…But those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing."  Psalm 34:10b

Short and simple. To the point. Only Jesus can fill those places in our souls that stay so hungry. Only the Holy Spirit can thrill those ravenous places in our hearts and minds with His Presence.

Take it from one who knows. Take it from one whose Macy’s card was demoted by the company (glory to God!) as He became more real to her.

When you have Jesus, you have everything.



At the Start of this Week...


At the start of this week...

Should you lock your keys in the car, leave your phone at the last store you visited, or your just plain old want to go back to bed and bury your head under the covers, remember! The Word of God is the absolute truth: This is the day the Lord has made – for you! Make the first thing you do next be to take some time in His presence, opening The Bible and let Him restore your soul.

Should you receive a not so good diagnosis, a troubling email, or a phone call that sends you reeling, draw near to the One who holds all the answers. Who IS the answer. Make King Jesus your one and only priority and place every issue into His capable hands. He is able, He is willing, He is LORD.

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes to be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because He Who is in you is greater than anything! 
1 John 4:4

The Dance...

Praise Him.jpg

Did you live under a cloud of feeling less-than today?

“The LORD your God in your midst, 
The Mighty One, will save; 
He will rejoice over you with gladness, 
He will quiet you with His love, 
He will rejoice over you with singing.”
Zephaniah 3:17

Did you know that the word “rejoice” in this passage means to dance, to twirl, to be exultant, to rejoice? Now read this in the context of the passage: Your God dances over – YOU!

I don’t think we often think of our Lord doing this over our lives – about our lives. He sees us as we are, frail, broken, wicked, and selfish – I mean, let’s get real here -- and yet He rejoices over us completely with full acceptance of the dust that we are. He sees us as we are, yet knows where He wants to take us.

So if that cloud of less-than is still hovering over your heart, it is time to give it the boot. Instead, begin to revel in this truth from God's Word, turn your heart to Him, and let Him have the final say about how He thinks and feels toward you.

Now, join Him in the dance.

Feel free to share...

Out of My Comfort Zone...


Life begins at the end of your comfort zone...

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

Anna Finfrock, a young American friend of mine whom I met in Taiwan, posted this opening sentence on Instagram today. She and her husband are now serving the Lord in South Africa and yep, it’s true...

Faith in Jesus is rubber-meets-the-road time when it comes to bringing Him great pleasure. Faith involves trust, and trust is the highest form of adoration. Nevertheless, faith always requires risk.

This is not risk or leaving our comfort zone for the sake of being stupid or trying to prove something. But when He calls my name and His invitation invites risk, it is not time to shrink back, hold back, or think of my comfort. I have had plenty of comfort in my life – booooring! But His thrill-ride these past twelve years has been amazing, exciting, miraculous, and wonder-filled. Could Jesus do anything less?

Nope. So, I am willing to leave my comfort zone when He calls. Will you join me?



Do you have messy stuff in your life right now? I do...

“And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”  Luke 2:7

I love that the story of Christmas is God coming down into the midst of messiness. Our messiness. Manger, stable, cows, sheep, and goat’s kind of messiness. The stuff that trips us up so much, but when He is invited in, these situations and surroundings of ours encounter holiness, healthiness, soundness, and unspeakable joy.

The divine encountering our real-life issues and changing them from the ragged, torn, worn, and weary to robes of glory.

What situation in your soul or life do you need to invite Him to invade? I just spent some time with Him and He lifted my burden and replaced it with His presence and promise. Let Jesus do this for you, too, don’t waste another minute carrying a messy load that only He can transform.

What More Can Be Said...

We are in the midst of Holy Week…

As we read the Gospel of John from chapters 12 to 18, we find Jesus’ parting words to His followers as He heads to the unimaginable cross…He speaks volumes to us, His children…

Though as always, actions speak louder than words….(read this slowwwly)…

Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, 
And that He had come from God 
And was going to God,
Rose from supper and laid aside His garments, 
Took a towel and girded Himself.
After that, He poured water into a basin and 
Began to wash the disciples' feet,
And to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded.
John 13:3-5

What more can be said?

The King of Universe
Stooped to wash filthy, worldly feet
The Pure…cleansing the unclean
The Master…showing us a servant’s heart
His robes of righteousness for our rags of sin
His stripes…for our healing
The Perfect Lamb slain…for our offenses
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah…who lives to give us life.

Thank you Lord Jesus for all that You have done.

photo: Creator . We Work