His Light...


I tell my story wherever He opens the door for me to share...

“God, all at once you turned on a floodlight for me! 
You are the revelation-light in my darkness, 
and in Your brightness, I can see the path ahead.”
Psalm 18:28 TPT

Many years ago, I was one messed-up puppy. I had everything, but I was unhappy with all of it. I tried to leave my wonderful husband, three darling kids, the church we pastored, and our beautiful home, but the trouble was – wherever I would have gone, I would have taken ME along. Only Jesus.

Only Jesus could rescue me from depression, a fifteen-year eating disorder, and uncontrollable thought life. Let alone other areas of enemy oppression and fleshly insecurity and wounding. And He did. He did rescue me fully and completely. Now, I have the honor and privilege to be used a tiny bit by Him to bring rescue to others.

Yes, indeed. Only Lord Jesus could catch me in His life-giving light.

For a free copy of my freedom story in the Lord Jesus, simply click here: http://www.sueboldt.com/giveaway/