His Light...


I tell my story wherever He opens the door for me to share...

“God, all at once you turned on a floodlight for me! 
You are the revelation-light in my darkness, 
and in Your brightness, I can see the path ahead.”
Psalm 18:28 TPT

Many years ago, I was one messed-up puppy. I had everything, but I was unhappy with all of it. I tried to leave my wonderful husband, three darling kids, the church we pastored, and our beautiful home, but the trouble was – wherever I would have gone, I would have taken ME along. Only Jesus.

Only Jesus could rescue me from depression, a fifteen-year eating disorder, and uncontrollable thought life. Let alone other areas of enemy oppression and fleshly insecurity and wounding. And He did. He did rescue me fully and completely. Now, I have the honor and privilege to be used a tiny bit by Him to bring rescue to others.

Yes, indeed. Only Lord Jesus could catch me in His life-giving light.

For a free copy of my freedom story in the Lord Jesus, simply click here: http://www.sueboldt.com/giveaway/

When Jesus walked the earth…He was making an invasion into enemy territory...really.*

“… For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”
1 John 3:8b

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not just about “life insurance” in eternity…it is also very much…the power of God displayed to snatch us from the miry pits we often find ourselves in due to:

• Our own selfish and destructive choices
• The fallout from the bad choices, habits, and addictions of our families
• The tragedy of living in a fallen, broken, and often evil world that our adversary rules…

The list goes on…

So…in what area of your life do you need Jesus’ rescue? Ask yourself honestly. Then, ask Him honestly…to deliver you. We often don’t want to be free…Really…when push comes to shove…we may wonder what He will bring that will replace our bondages…in other words…will our Rescuer be enough?

Yes…the Lord Jesus is enough…more than enough. His rescue is your destiny…and His abundance is your portion because of His glorious grace….and you will know life beyond your wildest dreams. 

* 1 John 5:19

photo: How Sweet Eats