Time for a Check-Up...

It might be time to have a little “forgiveness” check-up…

Just as we should…but don’t often do…have a yearly check up with our physicians to check…you know…vital signs…and physical stuff (do you like that medical terminology?)…we might be needing us to have a little…heart check-up.

"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. "But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
Matthew 6:14-15

These are pretty heavy words from the mouth of our Savior…forgiveness…our completely forgiving every person who has…wounded…hurt…offended…abused…us…is really more for…us.

When we don’t forgive someone…or start to allow the Lord to remove the layers (for often…deep wounds…family or church…wounds…take time to heal), we bottleneck the outpouring of His love in our own lives. And, that brings us to another point…

Is there someone reading this who needs to…forgive the Lord?
That happens, you know. It is not right, but it still may happen. I just heard about someone today that didn’t understand…why something had happened in their life. If that is you…don’t run from Him. Don’t stomp off and be mad, sulk, give up your faith . Would good will that do? It is most likely the enemy or human failing…that has caused your hurt.

 Though you may never know that until you run into His arms…talk honestly and listen honestly. Relying upon His unfailing Word and finding comfort in the fullness of His presence. 

Take it from one who knows…

Feel free to share…

photo: Rocco Palermo via Flickr

Let's Prepare...

If you are reading this…it is most likely a Saturday evening or a Sunday morning…

“Go through, Go through the gates!
Prepare the way for the people;
Build up, Build up the highway!
Take out the stones,
Lift up a banner for the peoples!”
Isaiah 62:10

It kinda goes with the territory that I fellowship with a local church…quite regularly. It kinda helps that I am married to a pastor. And…

Like most church gatherers (for we don’t “go” to church…we ARE the church…right?), well…those church participants of the female persuasion, I clean up: I wash my hair, put on make-up, find some clean jeans and a not too goofy t-shirt to wear.

I prepare my English muffin with almond butter and a good cup of coffee. I find my Bible, my purse, my phone. I prepare…almost everything…but do I prepare my heart?

Am I prepared to welcome a move of the Holy Spirit during worship? Am I prepared to be good soil so that His Word spoken and taught will go deep in me…and bear fruit? Am I prepared to pray for the sick, the broken, the lost? Have I invited the Lord to work through me with His gifts?

Just food for thought…let’s go…and take a few moments…to truly prepare…what’s important…


photo: Made From Scratch