At the start of this week...

At the start of this week…

If your joy/fulfillment/satisfaction levels are kaput, nada, zilch, or zero…it is time to take time…to be replenished and directed to True North. Take time with your Creator and feast on His Word ‘til you sense His presence, His passion for you, and remember His purpose for this day (and your life!).

If you are still smarting from a hurtful comment or action by a loved one…take inventory with Jesus. Ask Him…should you talk to the person (in a calm manner?) Should you just drop it…it wasn’t that important and His grace in you is bigger? Why does it matter to you in the first place…is the Lord trying to bring healing from something in your past?

This is a week of new beginnings, hopes that will be realized, and miracles to watch for. Keep your eyes open, your heart tender, and your mind from distraction. This week will be awesome in Jesus because Who is in you is greater than anything! 1 John 4:4

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His Goodness...

Psalm 16 is one of my all-time favorite passages from the Bible. Every verse of this song of David has deep personal meaning for me...but today...verse 2...well, you'll see what I mean...

"O my soul, you have said to the LORD, "You are my Lord, My goodness is nothing apart from You."    Psalm 16:2

I have long known this be true about myself.  I have NO goodness apart from Jesus (probably my husband, kids, and close friends know this best!).  

And, yes, the Holy Spirit is working out His fruit of goodness in my healing me of deep insecurities (isn't most evil driven by insecurity?). Nevertheless, when it is time for me to breath my last, there still be only ONE who is good.

 I then re-read the verse in the Amplified Version:

"I say to the Lord, You are my Lord; I have no good beside or beyond You."

The "buck" stops with God.  There is no value to looking to anything to come close to Him ("looking for good beside Him").  He stands alone in the "good" category.  Nor, is there any reason to look "beyond" Him for the inestimable, incomparable, matchless goodness of life, love, hope, joy, happiness, healing, wholeness...what else could we add to this list...And yet...

My wandering look...beyond.  What folly.

So what the Holy Spirit spoke to my simply...God is all I need, all the time, and for all of my life. need to wander any more...

And, if I simmer in this for portion will be walking on the path of life lived to the full, in His presence I will experience joy unspeakable and full of glory, and His satisfying pleasure will more than quench, saturate, and overwhelm my hungry soul. (verse 11)

Yes, God's goodness is enough.


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You know…we were formed in God’s image…and…

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
Genesis 1:1 

So…I think that means…that each and every one of us has a creative bent. You know…something we like to do…something we make…or something we form…or yeah…something we create. Something that we build, write, cook, dance, bears artistry…something that brings us pleasure.

For years, I sewed. I literally sewed our whole family’s clothing. I became pretty good at it and could even design some pretty sweet items to wear. I liked crafts…you name it…I tried it. I loved to cook…try new recipes and create new ones. With the schedule I now keep…all of those things have pretty much flown the coop. Honestly…I have no desire to pick them up again (well…maybe cooking!).

So now I write. 

I didn’t say I write well. It didn’t take long for me to figure out that I wasn’t the next Max Lucado, Francis Chan, or Beth Moore! And…I almost gave up on it because I didn’t have a large audience…why bother?? But, I get such a kick out of it…and the Lord told me He does too.

What have you given up on…or never tried…because you thought…why bother? I think our creative God created us in His image for HIS pleasure…and ours. Let the joy begin…

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photo: Design Lovefest

This...the Day...Good Friday

This the day…that we can hardly bear to think about…and yet…

“…looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:2

For the joy...of bringing the Father’s wayward children home...

King Jesus…fully God…co-equal, co-divine, co-eternal, and co-existent…endured the cross, so many years ago…for us. And yet…

King Jesus was fully man…simply google the physical attributes of being crucified to somewhat realize what He went through…for us. And yet…

It was the separation from the Father…as Abba, Daddy had turn His gaze from the One so laden with our iniquity. That rending of the very fabric of Pure Love between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit…that was the greatest torture of all that He experienced…for us. And yet…

He did it all for joy…the joy of bringing us back home.

“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:”
John 1:12

So this day…take time to remember…take time to lower your head and bow your knees to the One and Only. Yes, remember what He did for us…And yet…

Raise your head…lift your hands…through the tears…smile. For Easter is coming…

For us.

photo: A Well Traveled Woman

He Doesn't Waste Anything...


“So when they were filled, He said to His disciples, "Gather up the fragments that remain, so that nothing is lost.”   John 6:12

One thing about the Lord Jesus. He doesn’t waste…anything.

Eleven years ago, when absolute freedom…not just learning to cope…not just battling constant temptation in this one addiction (not to mention other addictions and strongholds the Spirit had already broken in my life)…but absolute freedom took place for me. I experienced overwhelming joy and and happiness, however, in the midst of this release I sometimes felt deep, heart-rending…regret.

Oh…the wasted years. Precious…years. Yes, I had much regret and remorse. Yet…

The Lord doesn’t waste a minute of our lives. Not…one…fragment. When we place ourselves squarely in His hands…He makes everything, even the dark and ugly pieces of our life’s puzzle…have new meaning…and new purpose. And yes, even new power…to help break the holds that our adversary has on other’s lives.

So. If you are experiencing regret, put it fully in the basket of the One and Only. Nothing will be wasted with His touch. And…nothing can’t be used to bring Him glory.

photo: Luisa Brimble via Flickr