You know…we were formed in God’s image…and…
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
Genesis 1:1
So…I think that means…that each and every one of us has a creative bent. You know…something we like to do…something we make…or something we form…or yeah…something we create. Something that we build, write, cook, dance, bears artistry…something that brings us pleasure.
For years, I sewed. I literally sewed our whole family’s clothing. I became pretty good at it and could even design some pretty sweet items to wear. I liked crafts…you name it…I tried it. I loved to cook…try new recipes and create new ones. With the schedule I now keep…all of those things have pretty much flown the coop. Honestly…I have no desire to pick them up again (well…maybe cooking!).
So now I write.
I didn’t say I write well. It didn’t take long for me to figure out that I wasn’t the next Max Lucado, Francis Chan, or Beth Moore! And…I almost gave up on it because I didn’t have a large audience…why bother?? But, I get such a kick out of it…and the Lord told me He does too.
What have you given up on…or never tried…because you thought…why bother? I think our creative God created us in His image for HIS pleasure…and ours. Let the joy begin…
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photo: Design Lovefest