With your heart


Okay...I am adding an addendum to a post earlier today...about...

Trusting the Lord with all of our emotions...when choosing to trust Him with our thoughts and actions (our understanding of the situation, person, thing, and or event we are laying before the Lord.) Well...

Just one step further...

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;”
Proverbs 3:5

This is the verse...yet what the Lord seems to be whispering to me now...is trusting Him WITH my heart. (Please notice the emphasis...it is most important!)

This is for all of my single friends out there...and...those struggling in marriages right now. And...everyone else.

Trust the Lord WITH all of YOUR heart. Trust Him to take care of your heart. Trust that His love IS enough...more than enough...for your heart. Trust that He is worthy of all your affections. All of your desires. All of your dreams. Find yourself lost in Him...it will take the pressure off of others...who alone cannot satisfy your...heart. Only HE can.

Yes...trust Him WITH your heart. Your whole heart.