January 9, 2019


Morning Moment of Prayer...


Dear Heavenly Father...I want to be ever so intentional at the start of this New Year and this new day of living in Holy Spirit presence. As I wait before You now and pray in the Spirit, may every distracting thought be held captive so that I can hear Your Word to me clearly. Please open my eyes to see as You see today no matter where I am: work, home, school, or marketplace. May I have Your discernment about what is going on around me and not count on my best guess! Please fill and overflow me...I step out now in Your overwhelming joy and I seal this prayer in the Name Above All Names, Lord Jesus.


"And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment," - Philippians 1:9

++ Did you know that I am facilitating Bible studies on prayer on both Instagram and Facebook using Pastor Mark Batterson’s, Draw the Circle - 40 Day Prayer Challenge? Check them out on Insta: @crosspointe_biblestudy (open to men and women) or Facebook: CrossPointe Online Bible Study (women only).