Morning Moment of Prayer...
Dear Lord Jesus...This day after Christmas, I continue to celebrate Your birth. Because of You, all fear and worry are gone. You hold me tightly in Your Almighty Hand and I look forward to all that You will do in and through me in the coming year. As the world faces daunting news, I know I will see Your glory on display and even greater works of Your healing and restoration in my life and in those I love. Please keep me aware of Holy Spirit presence in my every moment. In the Name Above All Names, Lord Jesus. Amen.
Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Romans 5:5
Hi Everyone! I am going to take a short New Year’s break from posting as I spend time with the fam (safely of course!). So, from December 27 through January 6th, I won’t be posting. Also, I am getting ready to launch a little self-published book about the Lord’s gracious touch to heal me of stage 4 cancer, available January 11th, on Amazon!