March 17, 2020

Psalm 91.png

Morning Moment of Prayer...

Dear Heavenly Father… I take refuge in You this morning. I lean into all Your words in Psalm 91, and I know that I am hidden in the shelter of your wings. You tell me that no plague will enter my home. I am declaring Your truth over my house and all my family. I take authority over you coronavirus and tell you to be destroyed in my nation, in the Almighty Name of Jesus. I pray for many to come to You to find hope, salvation, healing, and the power of Your Holy Spirit in these dark times. Please work through me to be kind, giving, and self-sacrificing so that Your love is on display. I worship and praise you, oh, God! Amen.

“Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place, No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;”

Psalm 91:9-10

{May I encourage you to read ALL of Psalm 91 and find strength and how to pray in these difficult times.}