March 26, 2020

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Morning Moment of Prayer...

Dear Lord Jesus… As I come to You today, I pray to be in constant and sweet communion with You as much as is possible. During these trying times, Your Spirit and Word have reminded me how important it is to keep my thoughts on You and that I anchor myself in Your Word and power – not the latest news report. Your report is the only one that matters, and I know I am held safely in Your hands. I thank You for the Your joy that is filling me now, and I pray to be a blessing and encouragement to many by reaching out in texts, message, and calls. I am ready! In the Glorious Name of Jesus. Amen!

Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;
1 Peter 1:13