December 6, 2021

Morning Moment of Prayer…

Dear Lord Jesus… I am so grateful for your coming. As I start back into my duties and work schedule this coming week, I pray to be ever mindful of all You have done. During this season of joy, I pray to bless folks around me wherever I go with Your love. Help me see those who need an encouraging word, a prayer, or a token of your goodness in some way. You have filled my life with so much blessing ______ (take time to thank Him for some blessings you are currently experiencing) that I want to touch this weary world with the overflow of what You have done in my life. In Your Most Wonderful Name, Lord Jesus. Amen!

Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons.
Freely you have received, freely give.
Matthew 10:8

Hey everyone! Every time this month I head to a local grocery store, I pick up a nice, small chocolate or elegant candy cane, I buy it, and give it to the person standing behind me in line. Every time, I get an amazing response, and most of the time, that person wants to do the same thing. Let's spread some of His love this year and do something similar, or buy a coffee, lunch, or do something kind for a stranger. You will be as blessed as I am!